Selected publications:


S Gumusoglu*, M Myers*, D Brandt, A Stroud, S Hunter, J Vignato, V Nuckols, G Pierce, M Santillan, D Santillan. A Role for Adverse Childhood Experiences and Depression in Preeclampsia. Accepted, Journal of Clinical and Translational Science. *co-first authors


Gumusoglu S, Meincke CR, Kiel M, Betz A, Nuckols V, DuBose L, Steidele J, Sweezer E, Santillan D, Stroud AK, Pierce GL, Santillan MK. (2023) Low indoleamine 2, 3 dioxygenase (IDO) activity is associated with psycho-obstetric risk. Pregnancy Hypertens. 35:12-18.


Matthew A. Weber, Gemma Kerr, Ramasamy Thangavel, Mackenzie M. Conlon, Serena B. Gumusoglu, Kalpana Gupta, Hisham A. Abdelmotili, Oday Halhouli, Qiang Zhang, Joel C. Geerling, Nandakumar S. Narayanan, Georgina M. Aldridge (2023). Alpha-synuclein pre-formed fibrils injected into prefrontal cortex primarily spread to cortical and subcortical structures. Journal of Parkinson’s Disease.


Serena B. Gumusoglu, Michaela D. Kiel, Aleigha Gugel, Brandon M. Schickling, Kaylee R. Weaver, Marisol C. Lauffer, Hannah R. Sullivan, Kaylie J. Coulter, Brianna M. Blaine, Mushroor Kamal, Yuping Zhang, Eric J. Devor, Donna A. Santillan, Stephanie C. Gantz, Mark K. Santillan. (2023) Anti-angiogenic mechanisms and serotonergic dysfunction in the Rgs2 knockout model for the study of psycho-obstetric risk. Neuropsychopharmacology. 17:1-2.


Yu, H., Gumusoglu, S., Cantonwine, D., Carusi, D., Gumani, P., Schickling, B., Doss, R., Santillan, M., Rosenblatt, K., McElrath, T. (2023). Circulating microparticle proteins predict pregnancies complicated by placenta accreta spectrum. Scientific Reports. 12, 21922.


Gumusoglu, S., Davis, L., Schickling, B., Devor, E., Von Tersch, L., Santillan, M., Santillan, D. (2023). Effects of Maternal Hypertension on Cord Blood Arginine Vasopressin Receptor Expression. Pregnancy Hypertension. 31:1-3.


Gumusoglu, S., Schickling, B., Vignato, J., Santillan, D., Santillan, M. (2022). SSRI use in pregnancy: rejecting fear for collaborative, evidence-based decision-making. Pregnancy Hypertension. 30: 146–147. *Solicited Letter to the Editor


Vignato, J. A., Gumusoglu, S. B., Scroggins, S. M., Hamilton, W., Brandt, D., Thomas, K., Santillan, D. A., Santillan, M. K. (2022). Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor Use in Pregnancy and Protective Mechanisms in Preeclampsia. Reproductive Sciences. 30(2):701-712.


Santillan, D., Hubb, A., Nishimura T., Rosenfeld-O’Tool, S., Schroeder, K., Conklin, J., Karras, A., Gumusoglu, S., Brandt, D., Miller, E., Hunter, S., Santillan, M. (2022) Group B Streptococcus Screening and Treatment in Pregnancy: A Retrospective Cohort Study and Opportunities for Improvement. American Journal of Preventative Medicine. 1(2):100028.


Gumusoglu, S., Noterman, M., Barr, J. (2022). A WINning approach: enhancing communication skills among biomedical doctoral students through small-group workshops. Higher Learning Research Communications, 12: 23-44.


Gumusoglu, S., Schickling, B., Vignato, J., Santillan, D., Santillan, M. (2022). Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and preeclampsia: a quality assessment and meta-analysis. Pregnancy Hypertension, 30: 36-43.


Gumusoglu, S., Maurer, S., Stevens, H. (2022). Dataset describing maternal prenatal restraint stress effects on immune factors in mice. Data in Brief, 43. *Featured in Special Issue on Immunology


Murray, E., Gumusoglu, S., Santillan, D., Santillan, M. (2022). Manipulating CD4+ T Cell Pathways to Prevent Preeclampsia. Frontiers in Biotechnology, 9.


Gumusoglu, S., Scroggins, S., Vignato, J., Santillan, D., Santillan, M. (2021). The serotonin-immune axis in preeclampsia. Current Hypertension Reports, 23 (7).


SB Gumusoglu, AS Chilukuri, BW Hing, SM Scroggins, S Kundu, JA Sandgren, MK Santillan, DA Santillan, J Grobe, HE Stevens. (2021). Altered offspring neurodevelopment in an arginine vasopressin preeclampsia model. Translational Psychiatry, 79.


Gumusoglu, S. B., Chilukuri, A.S., Santillan, D., Santillan, M., Stevens, H. (2020). Neurodevelopmental Outcomes of Prenatal Preeclampsia Exposure. Trends in Neuroscience, 43, 353-268.


Gumusoglu, S. B., Hing, B.E., Chilukuri, A., Dewitt, J. J., Scroggins S. M., Stevens, H. E. (2020). Chronic maternal interleukin-17 and autism-related cortical gene expression, neurobiology, and behavior. Neuropsychopharmacology, 45, 1008-1017.


Po Hien Ear*, Ankita Chadda*, Serena B Gumusoglu, Mark S Schmidt, Sophia Vogeler, Johnny Malicoat, Jacob Kadel, Michelle M Moore, Marie E Migaud, Hanna E Stevens, Charles Brenner (2019). Maternal Nicotinamide Riboside Enhances Postpartum Weight Loss, Juvenile Offspring Development, and Neurogenesis of Adult Offspring. Cell Reports, 26, 969-83.


Gumusoglu, S. B. & Stevens, H. E. (2018). Maternal inflammation and neurodevelopmental programming: A review of preclinical outcomes and implications for translational psychiatry. Biological Psychiatry, 85, 107-121. *Featured in 50th Anniversary Special Edition


Abbott, P. W., Gumusoglu, S. B., Bittle, J. L., Beversdorf, D. Q., Stevens, H. E. (2018). Prenatal stress and genetic risk: how prenatal stress interacts with genetics to alter risk for psychiatric illness. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 90, 9-21.


Gumusoglu, S. B., Fine, R. S., Murray, S. J., Bittle, J. L., & Stevens, H. E. (2017). The role of IL-6 in neurodevelopment after prenatal stress. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity. 65, 274-283.


All papers are available upon request.


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